“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. ”

“Ralph Waldo Emerson”

Digital Thinker

is a social impact organization that is found as an amplifier and execution of Isabella’s book, The Digital Mind of Tomorrow, which stands for a calling to make the world a little more humane.

Making a Difference

A Decade of Impactful Ventures

Isabella Wang is a visionary social entrepreneur, thought leader, and best-selling author on a mission to cultivate a world where individuals and organizations can embrace the unknown and unlock their full potential.



Voice of America


Digital Marketing Summit

Startup Grind

Innovate Summit

Small Business Expo

Digital Marketing World Forum

World Tech Summit

Balkan Business Week

Think Global Conference

Adweek • Voice of America • Fox • Digital Marketing Summit • Startup Grind • Innovate Summit • Small Business Expo • Digital Marketing World Forum • World Tech Summit • Balkan Business Week • Think Global Conference •